From the pinyon pine and juniper rising out of rocky canyon walls, to the aspen and willow stands growing alongside streams, the Bodie WSA provides optimal habitat for many eastern Sierran fauna.
Natural Value
Sage grouse strut through the dried lakebeds, and mule deer mothers keep a watchful eye on their fawns as they graze on bitterbrush.
To the northeast, a large cinder cone, Beauty Peak, rises over Dry Lakes Plateau, a volcanic tableland dotted with ephemeral lakes. The flatness of the plateau offers a break from the surrounding hilly landscape.
Cultural Value
The Bodie Hills and areas within the Bodie WSA have been important to Native Americans for centuries. The presence of obsidian and pinyon nuts suggests this area was very important to the Paiute Indians. To the south, the Bodie WSA borders the Bodie State Historic Park, a fascinating experience of the boom and bust mining town of Bodie. BSHP, described as preserved in a “state of arrested decay”, is one of the most well-preserved ghost towns in America.
Recreational Value
Hike through the narrow canyons of Rough and Atastra Creeks, or hike up to the Dry Lakes plateau to gaze upon Beauty Peak.
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