The Bodie Hills need your help...

At the edge of California’s Eastern Sierra and
the Great Basin lie the Bodie Hills

About the Bodie Hills

Bodie State Historic Park, home to California’s official ghost town and one of the most popular state parks, lies in the center of the Bodie Hills. Visitors who venture beyond the state park enjoy hiking, biking, camping, botanizing, bird watching, hunting and motor touring through aspen-tinged valleys and across high plateaus with vistas of the Sierra Nevada, Mono Lake and the Great Basin. The Bodie Hills are home to pronghorn antelope, sage grouse and mule deer, and contain one of the highest concentrations of archaeological resources in the Great Basin. Learn more...

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The Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership

Learn more about who we are an our mission to help preserve the beautiful Bodie Hills for generations to come...

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About the Bodie Hills

The Bodie Hills contain outstanding natural and cultural values. The mountains are a transition zone between the Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin and thus harbor a diverse assemblage of plant and animal species. including pika, lodgepole pine, Sierra juniper and Utah juniper. The Nature Conservancy has noted that the Bodie Hills “are among the most biodiverse in the Great Basin ecoregion"

The very heart of the Bodie Hills faces threats from large-scale gold mining interests if protections are lifted. Visitor access would be limited, and important habitat for sage grouse, pronghorn antelope and mule deer would be fragmented.

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