NEW MINING THREAT in the Bodie Hills

Bodie Hills Bonanza and Volunteer Stewardship Weekend a Success
August 14, 2019
Surrounded by White Lupine on Bodie Mountain Hike July 13th 2019
August 15, 2019

There is a NEW MINING THREAT in the Bodie Hills! We recently learned that another Canadian company, Radius Gold, is proposing mining exploration in the Bodie Hills adjacent to the Bodie Wilderness Study Area. Mining and exploration in the Hills would have numerous significant impacts on open space, connectivity, water quality in Rough Creek, and sensitive wildlife. The Bi-State Sage Grouse currently proposed for listing with US Fish and Wildlife Service, the pronghorn, raptors and several species of lagomorphs (rabbit family) all rely on the remote Bodie Hills for habitat.

Recently, the company submitted a “pre-application” to Mono County for exploration in the Bodie Hills near the Dry Lakes Plateau and Rough Creek drainage.  To view the proposal to Mono County click here.

Radius is also proposing another exploratory drilling and mining project in the eastern Bodie Hills on the Nevada side near Bald Peak.  For more information about that proposal click here.

Rough Creek is historic Lahontan Cutthroat Trout spawning habitat and an area identified for restoration. The Bodie Hills include a diversity of plants and animals, water and cultural resources, and viewsheds that would be affected if a project were to move forward.   We have high concerns for this proposal and will post more information as it becomes available.  There will be a future public meeting before the Mono County Land Development Technical Advisory Committee and interested parties can sign up for their notices and agendas here and enter your email under “subscribe”.


  1. C. M. Conelly says:

    If or when a map or maps of the specific areas being proposed for mining by Radius Gold (including proposed access routes) are available, please post them and/or indicate where they may be available to the public. I hope that the Washoe and Paiute people in the bi-state region are being solicited for partnership in opposing these proposed activities which will impact TNKG.

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