In July 2015, we are planning two week-long projects in the Bodie Hills. These projects are designed for college students. The dates for those projects are July 13-17 and July 20-24. We are open to hosting a group in August if there is interest and availability during that time.
The Bodie Hills are located in Mono County, California on the edge of the Eastern Sierra and the SW corner of the Great Basin. This is 45 minutes northeast of Yosemite National Park. Approximately 188,000 acres of public lands are found in the Bodie Hills. These lands are managed by the BLM and the Forest Service. The projects will focus primarily on BLM lands in Sagebrush Steppe ecosystems.
The area is home to pronghorn antelope, mule deer, golden eagle, black bear, mountain lion and sage-grouse. The Bi-State population of Greater Sage Grouse is found in the Bodie Hills. These birds are currently a candidate for a threatened listing under the Endangered Species Act. The area is also home to significant cultural resources including rock art. Our work will focus on sage-grouse habitat restoration that includes fence removal, invasive plant removal, converting fences to wildlife friendly “let-down” fencing, environmental monitoring, and participation in a yet-to-be-determined citizen science project.
There is no cost to the students for participation in these stewardship projects. Participants will be camping on public lands during the project. Each student will need to provide a tent, sleeping bag & sleeping pad. Food will be provided, and showers will be available. We can accomodate vegan & vegetarians – with notice.
There is a significant service-learning component to the project. Participants will learn about sage-grouse management from BLM wildlife specialists. They will also learn how to use a GPS, how to use a map & compass, and how to integrate GPS data into a GIS database. At the conclusion of the week-long project, BLM & Bodie Hills staff will work with the students on incorporating this experience into their resume.
On our off day, there will be an opportunity to explore Yosemite National Park, the Ansel Adams Wilderness, or the Hoover Wilderness.
To apply for this opportunity, please email a resume and cover letter to Please indicate which week you would like to participate in. Applicants are eligble to participate in both crews.