Volunteer at Bodie State Park with the Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership

April Sall joins the Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership as Director
June 23, 2017
Why Trout Unlimited Cares about the Bodie Hills
April 16, 2018

Join us August 5th 2017 at Bodie State Historic Park to help us steward these amazing public lands and spend a day in the Bodie Hills. We will help care for this unique and special place by removing unnecessary fences that disrupt wildlife movement. Please wear work appropriate clothing including long pants, hat, and closed toed shoes. Tools and gloves will be provided.

Volunteers will get a light breakfast, lunch, raffle prizes and a free entrance day to the park along with a free interpretive tour after lunch.

Meet at the Red Barn at Bodie State Historic Park at 8:30 am on Saturday August 5th.

For more information email: info@friendsoftheinyo.org or april@bodiehills.org –  (760) 873-6500

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